House Hunting Desperado(s)

Amanda Clinton-Gohdes ‘First Home Buyer Guide’ Blog 8 continues

Did we win the multi-offer and get the house?? No, no we didn’t. Did we high five because we didn’t get the house? Yes, yes we did.

Yep, you read correctly. We high-fived when we DIDN’T get the house. What is happening to us??

We’ve entered the Desperado phase. It’s a phase that many home buyers go through. You’ve spent weeks/months of your life looking at houses. You are ready to stop hunting and start shifting house, and you’re getting to the point where you don’t really care where to. And boy does the thought of another Sunday of open homes fill you with dread.

Ladies and Gents, the Desperado phase is a dangerous one. You run the risk of settling for a house that you don’t really even like.

When we recognised that we were being Desperado(s), Justin and I took a break for a couple of blissful weeks, with no trawling through TradeMe or trapsing through houses.

Then we got back on the Open Home horse armed with a new tool – Open Home Bingo. Loser of Open Home Bingo buys beers after you’ve finished open homes for the day.

Are you being a Desperado? Print off your own Open Home Bingo boards and inject some fun into your fifty billionth Sunday of open homes.

Why do clowns feature in Open Home Bingo you may ask? You wouldn’t think it, but we see them every Sunday. Every. Sunday.

P.S. Open home bingo did not help us find the house we wanted, but it certainly made the hunt more fun. Then again, I gave open home bingo boards to some friends, and the first Sunday they used it they found a house! So I guess anything can happen…